I-Save Initiative Storms Government Technical College For The Girl Child

... Enlightens students on menstrual hygiene, prohibition laws, donates sanitary kits


Otobong Nsekpong

United Nations General Assembly on December 19,2011 adopted resolution 66/170 to declare October 11 every year as the International Day of A Girl Child.
Since that declaration, October 11 has been a key global moment to celebrate the power of girls and highlight the barriers they face growing up.

To mark year 2024 international day of the girl child, a non governmental organizations I-Save Initiative celebrated with female students of Government Technical College, Mbioto Ekpene Ituen in Etinan Local Government Area.

The NGO led by the facilitator, Deacon Ubong Ubom organized health talk to promote personal hygiene during menstrual circle, gave insight into the Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Law 2020 as well as donated sanitary kits to the girls.

In line with the theme of the 2024 celebration Girls’ Vision For The Future, Mrs Peace Usoro educated the girls on menstrual hygiene which will keep them healthy to pursue their vision for the future.


Speaking on the rights of the girl child in line with the aim of removing barriers against their growth and development, Mary Ekere highlighted some provisions of the Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Law 2020.

Some of which include rape, female genital mutilation all of which carries jail term to offenders. “For you to attain your vision for the future, don’t engage in sex, even if you are raped and threatened to keep quite, say it out, don’t succumb to threat by keeping quite” she admonished.

Earlier the Principal of Government Technical College Mbioto Ekpene Ituen Pastor Eno A. AKPAITAM expressed delight on the choice of the school for the celebration of the girl child.

He posited that gone are the days when the girl child was relegated to the background in the scheme of things. “In the Technical School Board, out f the nine schools, three are headed by women and by January 2025 we may likely have the first female president of America.
The school is one place where the girl child is prepared for the future.
Thank you I-Save Initiative for bringing the celebration of the girl child to Governmet Technical college Mbioto”

On his part, the facilitator, Deacon Ubong Ubom assured the female students of the school that there is a bright future for them. He encouraged them to take their studies serious, maintain a hygienic lifestyle as well as avoid activities that can mar their vision for the future.

“Some years ago I was a student of this school like you, I was well taught and prepared for today. If I can come to give back to the community through programmes like this you too can come back to give back to the school. At I-Save Initiative, we want to make the world a better place”

He called for support to the government of the day under the leadership of Pastor Umo Eno in sustaining the free and compulsory education policy in the state.


High point of the celebration was the donation of menstrual sanitary kits, perfumes, roll on deodorant, hand and face towel, shaving sticks, school bags and Christian devotional to the students.