By Ekemini James

The true measure of a society’s greatness lies not in its wealth or power, but in its ability to empower its people to reach their full potential. As the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle, once said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” In Akwa Ibom State, Governor Umo Eno is cultivating a habit of excellence by igniting an entrepreneurial drive that is transforming the lives of its citizens.

Entrepreneurial development is the cornerstone of societal progress, driving innovation, creating jobs, and fostering economic growth. This understanding has been enthusiastically embraced, particularly under the leadership of Pastor Umo Eno, whose administration recognizes that a prosperous society depends on creating an environment where entrepreneurs can thrive. To achieve this, the administration is committed to providing access to capital and establishing a robust support system to guide entrepreneurs through the challenges of starting and growing a business.

Today, Akwa Ibom is witnessing an entrepreneurial awakening, championed by our Governor who through Ibom-LED equip aspiring entrepreneurs with the necessary skills and knowledge to establish and sustain successful businesses. Ibom-LED offers comprehensive training and resources, providing world-class support to entrepreneurs across various industries. This enables them to navigate the challenges of business with confidence.

The launch of an impressive N400 million business grant to 800 recipients of the State’s Entrepreneurship Accelerator Programme (EAP) exemplifies Governor Umo Eno’s generous and people-oriented governance style.

Furthermore, the launch of Ibom-LED: EAP Batch 3.0, targeting 400 female youths, is a laudable initiative that equips them with industry-relevant skills and provides a grant of N500,000 for business capital and N250,000 for shop rentals and setup upon completion, thereby fostering a new generation of skilled entrepreneurs in Akwa Ibom.

Governor Umo Eno’s actions transcends mere magnanimous donations; it’s a transformative movement. By equipping the beneficiaries with both the financial means and the necessary training, he has laid the foundation for a sustainable economy in the State.

The impact of these grants are profound. They represent not mere monetary support, but the planting of prosperity seeds, which are poised to flourish into abundant returns through the right effort of the beneficiaries.

The Governor’s personal narrative, evolving from a modest five-room hotel to a flourishing enterprise, offers a compelling tale of inspiration for these budding entrepreneurs. It is a clear message that with determination, sacrifice, and focus, success is within reach.

The ripple effects of this entrepreneurial drive will be far-reaching, as these 800 entrepreneurs flourishes, they will not only elevate their own lives but also contribute significantly to the state’s development. This empowerment will have multiplier effect thereby reducing restiveness and planting seeds of prosperity.

They will create more jobs, foster innovation, and enhance the competitiveness of Akwa Ibom in the global market place. These would come to fruition because we have a Governor that is not just for the people, but with the people – a leader that empowers, uplifts, and transforms.

In addition, Governor Eno’s administration achieved a significant milestone with the signing of an MOU with the Enterprise Development Center (EDC) of the Pan Atlantic University, Lagos. This strategic partnership is set to broaden the scope and enhanced the quality of entrepreneurial training at the Ibom-LED Centre and also birth a promising future where Akwa Ibom’s entrepreneurs are not just participants, but leaders in the global economy.

The Governor’s vision is to transform Akwa Ibom from a civil service state to a commercial and industrial hub. This vision is brought to life through the Startup Acceleration and Incubation Programme (SAIP), which nurtures artisans in tailoring and shoemaking, and the Transforming Nigeria Youths programme, which is set to empower 10,000 women in partnership with the EDC and Mastercard Foundation. This represents a stride towards gender inclusivity and economic diversity, integrating women into the fabric of the state’s entrepreneurial structure.

He sees the potential in every citizen and understands that by empowering our people with the tools and resources they need to succeed, the entire society benefits from it. His leadership is characterized by a deep commitment to the people, a desire to see them prosper, and a clear strategy to make Akwa Ibom a beacon of entrepreneurial success.