By Imoh Etimudo

But he has been in office for just fifteen months. Well, to some people, it is too early but to others, some leaders are like that. It even appears some people are not surprised at it. His body language exposed him quite too early, and Akwa Ibom State would have to accept their fate. Leaders act differently.

The fifteen months that the Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Pastor Umo Eno has been in office has exposed that it is not easy for a Governor not to have interest. And he can’t even hide it? Even thou, Governor Eno? Frankly speaking, not many have not been thrown off balance but one cannot change the situation; it is the governor’s show, it is the governor’s turn. Like Nigerians would say, “what you ordered versus what you got.” The people “ordered” for a governor but God gave them a sacrificial servant leader, whose interest is not in what he has achieved so far but in the many others he can achieve for Akwa Ibom State in the future.

So far, he may have initiated and completed several projects across the State, since assumption of office but that is not Governor Umo Eno’s interest. His interest is that 25 more projects will be kick-started and completed before the second anniversary of his administration.

At the end of September, Governor Eno would have so far paid a total of 35 billion Naira out of the backlog of gratuity arrears to beneficiaries since assumption of office last year but that is not the governor’s interest. His is rather more interested in the fact nearly 50% of the accumulated backlog of decades-long gratuity burden of retired workers in the State would soon be offset after a further release expected within the month.

Akwa Ibom State Governor’s interest is only on doing more. He is more interested in the infinitesimal scintilla of what is yet to be done than the gargantuan ones he has has given to the people.

He may have achieved tremendously the aviation sector development, including the “out-of-this-world” International Airport Terminal Building and the parallel taxiway but his interest is in ensuring that Ibom Air remains in the air as top-flight airline owned by a sub-national. He is not resting on his ores because the airline gives birth on a monthly like a rabbit, his interest is that the tempo must be maintained, and that the steam and flame of that light lit and handed over to him must not dim but remains aglow. That burning interest found expression in the recent approval of 60 billion Naira for a procurement of two new Bombardier CRJ900 aircrafts to further expand the fleet of the state-owned airline.

While Akwa Ibom people will be revelling on the enormous accomplishments, massive development and aggressive revolution, his interest is on the fact that his administration, in an unprecedented manner, has prudently utilized funds to accomplish all of this without going for any loan facility or other external financial instruments to fund major investments and projects in the State.

While the world is still in awe for the mother of all empowerments of youths were 100,000 Akwa Ibom youths received empowerment across all sectors, what is rather of interest to the Governor is that Akwa Ibom youths have been empowered and given the necessary exposure to compete favourably and be relevant in the contemporary society.

Many would have expected that the governor would be swept away by his a accomplishments in the education sector especially the model primary schools sprouting everywhere in Akwa Ibom State, and becoming the cynosure of every eye with parents desiring to enrol their children there as school resumes. But Governor Eno is rather interested in the fact that his administration is committed to providing the necessary support for every Akwa Ibom child to attain their God-given potentials, believing strongly that the development of every society is directly proportional to its investment in education.

Can his interest then be in the ubiquitous primary healthcare centres across the State? One should not vouch for him. His interest is that through the ARISEcare and forthcoming flag-off of Basic Healthcare Provision Programme for Akwa Ibom people, many residents especially in the rural communities would have access to medical services with the vulnerable members of the society receiving the services free.

And it has been exposed that even the 2 Billion Naira loan to traders is not the governor’s interest. His interest is that he has converted the loan to grant, and that farmers will also benefit from it alongside the traders.

He has donated shelter for the low cadre civil servants who now houses of their own but his interest is more in the Compassionate Homes built for the less privileged and poorest of the poor in the society because of his astonishing compassionate disposition.

People celebrate the free food distribution programme which the second phase has since commenced but Governor Umo Eno has interest in ensuring that there is food sufficiency and food security in the through fertile agricultural policies that will re-position agriculture in the State, with Songhai farm replicated in the State through Ibom Model Farms.

Governor Umo Eno runs a good governance that feeds on feedback. He listens to the other voices. He is more concerned about what else can we do than permanently celebrating what he has already done.

He accepts constructive criticism, and goes with the pulse of the people, public opinion. What can we do more? What can we do differently? Those questions are always like a refrain on the lips of the Governor of the people. He pays attention to the wishes of the people. They may wear the shoes but the governor is sensitive to where it pinches them.

Governor Umo Eno is not the type who you go and impress by sounding patronizing. He loves to hear what you will not love to say. That is his interest because that is the interest of the people, and the governor pitches his tent on the side of the people.

Governor Umo Eno’s interest that has been leaked is his interest in what makes the people happy, and how to do more for his people! What a Governor Akwa Ibom State has got! His interest is the interest of the people!

This is a governor that wants to hear the other side that is rarely talked about, and he acts on them promptly, and often quietly. Sounds shocking to hear that someone who has done a million things for his people prefers to hear that one thing he has not done than the millions already on ground. Rare!

Despite the fact that evidently, Governor Umo Eno has given Akwa Ibom State the bragging right, he prefers to hear what they feel is not right! That is his interest. It is the right interest! It is Akwa Ibom’s interest!

Akwa Ibom ordered for just a governor, God has given them a unique and caring leader in the name of a Governor!

Imoh Etimudo writes from Itu Mbonuso in Ini Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.