Etinan Rural Communities Wear New Look As Hon. Uko Umoh Intensifies Road Grading
In fulfillment of his campaign promise, the Chairman of Etinan Local Government Area, Hon. Uko Umoh, is connecting villages across the twelve wards of Etinan LGA with access roads.

Following the flag off road grading exercise, the Council’s grader has traversed the length and breadth of villages in Northern Iman Ward 1 creating access roads and connecting communities together
The people of Ikot Nseyen in Northern Iman Ward 1 are celebrating the transformation of their previously non-motorable road. The newly graded road has brought tremendous joy and huge relief to members of the community.

The community appreciates the sacrificial effort of the local government under the leadership of Hon Uko Friday Umoh to connect villages and bring government closer to the people at the grassroots